Category: Uncategorized

La Carota Luglio

July 2024                                                      La Carota President’s Message; Hello my fellow Club Paesano members. As always, I hope that this edition of our newsletter finds you all, healthy, happy and safe! I […]

La Carota Giugno 2024

June 2024                                           LaCarota President’s message: Ciao e benvenuto a tutti i soci del nostro Club Paesano! As always, I hope that this edition of “LaCarota” finds you all healthy, happy and safe! I hope that you are all out and enjoying this fantastic weather. Some sun, heat, a cool […]

La Carota Maggio 2024

LaCarota May 2024                              President’s Message: Ciao e Buona giornata. As always, I hope that this addition of our newsletter finds you all, Happy, healthy and safe! Hopefully all of you are getting things accomplished and completed. Is anyone making any travel […]

La Carota Aprile 2024

April 2024                                    LaCarota President’s Message: Hello everyone. My Club Paesano Famiglia! As always, I hope that this addition of our newsletter finds you all, Happy, Healthy and Safe! Happy St. Patty’s Day to all my Irish – Italian members […]

La Carota Marzo 2024

March 2024                                        LaCarota President’s message: Buongiorno a tutti i soci del nostro Club Paesano. Come sempre, spero che questa newsletter ti trovi felice, sano e sicuro! There you go, some Italian for you. I hope that we […]

La Carota Gennaio 2024

January 2024                          LaCarota Presidents Message: Hello my fellow Club Paesano Members. How are we all doing? As always, I hope it’s healthy, happy and safe of course! I know that in last month’s newsletter I said that I couldn’t believe that we were already nearing […]

La Carota Dicembre 2023

Dec. 2023                                                      LaCarota President’s Message: Ciao Tutti. As always, I hope that this edition of our newsletter finds you all happy. Healthy and safe! With the change of the weather and the drop in temperature […]

La Carota Novembre 2023

November 2023                 LaCarota President’s Message: Ciao, my fellow Club Paesano members. As always. I hope that this edition of our newsletter finds you all doing well. “Happy, healthy and safe”. As we enter into this Fall season, I’m sure that a lot of you are busy raking […]

La Carota Ottobre

October 2023                                 LaCarota Please Take Note: October’s Membership meeting has been moved to Wednesday October 11th. Same time. President’s Message: Ciao Fellow Club Paesano Members. As always, I hope that this month’s “LaCarota” finds you all doing well. Happy, healthy […]

La Carota Settembre

September 2023                      LaCarota President’s Message: Ciao my fellow Club Paesano Members, as always, I hope that this month’s newsletter finds you all doing well. “Happy, healthy and safe”. Summer is flying by and it’s hard to believe that we are looking at our Labor Day holiday, […]